I am finally able to actually write my own code now at Paracel. It took some time to get used to everything. My code is still childish, I think. But it does its job. I'll think of ways to make it more concise and prettier. =) Sometimes I love programming, sometimes I'm not too thrilled. But in general, it's a great feeling when you get stuff to run and do what you want properly. Man, the joys of debugging!
I go to work at 8:30am everyday, I leave at around 5:05pm. It's getting routine now and I like the company a lot. My boss Marc is very good to me. Yet it's still kind of a weird feeling since my days at UCLA ended. Life takes a turn, not entirely dramatic, but still a turn nonetheless. And it will happen again come end of August... that is so soon! I can't believe it, I'm not ready, yet I've been ready for such a long time. And hopefully I can get over something so it won't affect my future from then on...
You're experience life out of the protective college bubble. Have fun!
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