Small world and getting smaller...
StyricGirL (12:11:33 AM): franiwack!
StyricGirL (12:11:35 AM): : )
franiwack (12:11:53 AM): howdy girly
StyricGirL (12:12:24 AM): dude i had 2 questions about ur blogingness
StyricGirL (12:12:30 AM): haha well one isn'ta qusetion
StyricGirL (12:12:33 AM): it's moer like a comment
franiwack (12:12:40 AM): yesh?
StyricGirL (12:12:42 AM): i read this person's blog, ahyesmedschool
StyricGirL (12:12:47 AM): and he knows fedexof thefunk
StyricGirL (12:12:48 AM): or something
StyricGirL (12:12:49 AM): who you nko
StyricGirL (12:12:52 AM): it's weird!!!!
franiwack (12:12:53 AM): woooh!
franiwack (12:12:56 AM): how did you find it??
StyricGirL (12:13:01 AM): LOL
StyricGirL (12:13:03 AM): ahyesmedschool?
franiwack (12:13:07 AM): yeah
StyricGirL (12:13:09 AM): it was a noticed blog
StyricGirL (12:13:11 AM): so i was reading it
franiwack (12:13:13 AM): oh right
franiwack (12:13:13 AM): yep
StyricGirL (12:13:14 AM): and it was funny
StyricGirL (12:13:21 AM): but i think fedexofthefunk commented on ur blog
StyricGirL (12:13:23 AM): and i was looking thru
franiwack (12:13:24 AM): right
StyricGirL (12:13:27 AM): and he mentioned ahyesmedschool
StyricGirL (12:13:29 AM): which is weird!
franiwack (12:13:30 AM): right
franiwack (12:13:33 AM): they are friends
StyricGirL (12:13:34 AM): do u kno ahyesmedskool?
franiwack (12:13:37 AM): nope
StyricGirL (12:13:37 AM): lol
StyricGirL (12:13:39 AM): eh??
StyricGirL (12:13:40 AM): o_0
franiwack (12:13:41 AM): i know fed ex
StyricGirL (12:13:45 AM): no friend of the friend?
StyricGirL (12:13:46 AM): haha
StyricGirL (12:14:55 AM): LOL
StyricGirL (12:14:57 AM): it's so weird
StyricGirL (12:15:02 AM): were they friends from UG or something?
franiwack (12:15:05 AM): i guess
StyricGirL (12:15:21 AM): lol i have no idea where that other guy is from
StyricGirL (12:15:24 AM): i just know he's funny
StyricGirL (12:15:33 AM): his experiences kind of remind me of my bro's
StyricGirL (12:15:35 AM): (some)
StyricGirL (12:15:41 AM): and his humor (some)
franiwack (12:15:49 AM): ah
StyricGirL (12:15:50 AM): so i just read :D cuz my bro wont update (shakes fist)
StyricGirL (12:16:23 AM): ahh.. yes
StyricGirL (12:18:07 AM):
StyricGirL (12:18:09 AM): you are even mentioned!
StyricGirL (12:18:11 AM): HAHAHAHA
franiwack (12:18:28 AM): no, but how did you know ahyes knows fed ex?
StyricGirL (12:18:38 AM): ehh?
StyricGirL (12:18:39 AM): read that
StyricGirL (12:18:42 AM): "the fake doctor"
StyricGirL (12:18:45 AM): that's the same guy
StyricGirL (12:18:46 AM): haha
franiwack (12:18:48 AM): i know..
franiwack (12:18:49 AM): yesh
franiwack (12:18:52 AM): but my question is the reverse
StyricGirL (12:18:53 AM): and it's funny how mike sego is mentioned
franiwack (12:18:56 AM): how did you get to fed ex?
StyricGirL (12:19:02 AM): OH
StyricGirL (12:19:08 AM): ops sorry, i briefly mentioned it before
StyricGirL (12:19:12 AM): from ur website
StyricGirL (12:19:16 AM): he commented on ur blog
franiwack (12:19:18 AM): oh
StyricGirL (12:19:19 AM): so i was just surfing
franiwack (12:19:20 AM): i get it now
StyricGirL (12:19:24 AM): right when he posted this
StyricGirL (12:19:43 AM): so i was like "WOA"
StyricGirL (12:19:51 AM): cuz it was just when i was reading ahyes
StyricGirL (12:19:53 AM): [nod nod]
StyricGirL (12:19:58 AM): see the big big spiral of things
franiwack (12:20:16 AM): funny
franiwack (12:20:31 AM): it's a very small world it seems
StyricGirL (12:21:20 AM): isn't that hilarious!!!
franiwack (12:21:24 AM): yes
franiwack (12:21:26 AM): very
StyricGirL (12:21:27 AM): it's like a smaller smaller world when i was reading it
StyricGirL (12:21:28 AM): i was like..
StyricGirL (12:21:33 AM): ah franiwack is mentiond (obviuos)
StyricGirL (12:21:38 AM): ahyes med? o_0 (very random)
StyricGirL (12:21:43 AM): mike sego?! (wut...)
StyricGirL (12:21:50 AM): note: i had mr. sego as a 5th grade teacher too
StyricGirL (12:21:53 AM): and bro knew him too (i knew)
franiwack (12:21:54 AM): heeh
StyricGirL (12:21:58 AM): so it was VERY VERY VERY RANDOM
StyricGirL (12:22:00 AM): buahahaha
franiwack (12:22:03 AM): what?
StyricGirL (12:22:11 AM): when i was reading the post
franiwack (12:22:13 AM): you are thinking of the wrong sego?
StyricGirL (12:22:15 AM): and he was talkigna bout how it was a small world
StyricGirL (12:22:18 AM): eh?
StyricGirL (12:22:21 AM): mike sego
franiwack (12:22:23 AM): which sego you talking about?
franiwack (12:22:24 AM): right
StyricGirL (12:22:25 AM): mr sego's son?o
StyricGirL (12:22:28 AM): one that went to stanford
franiwack (12:22:29 AM): really?
franiwack (12:22:30 AM): oh
StyricGirL (12:22:32 AM): youngest son
StyricGirL (12:22:33 AM): yep
StyricGirL (12:22:38 AM): he has 3/4 sons
franiwack (12:22:39 AM): i didnt' know his dad was a teacher
StyricGirL (12:22:43 AM): harvard, yale, stanford? or something?
StyricGirL (12:22:44 AM): yep.
StyricGirL (12:22:48 AM): teacher @ holly ave.
StyricGirL (12:22:49 AM): LOL
franiwack (12:23:02 AM): fuuunnny
StyricGirL (12:23:47 AM): isn't it?
StyricGirL (12:23:49 AM): : )
franiwack (12:23:54 AM): heeh, this is cool
franiwack (12:24:02 AM): you mind if i just copy and paste this into my blog
franiwack (12:24:03 AM): ?
StyricGirL (12:24:08 AM): sure : )
This blog entry is irrefutable proof that I'm the nexus of the universe. As if it were ever in doubt.
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