You don't compare your body to a sculpture by Michelangelo, but you know you're far from a Kindergarten art project! All in all, you've got a healthy dose of body confidence, and that's a rarity in today's world. You've managed to avoid a significant amount of the pressure that society and the media impose on women. Occasionally, however, you might fall prey to the super-skinny ideal. But your strength and healthy outlook enable you to quickly dismiss that unattainable trend. Whether it's an incredible metabolism or a great mindset, your positive body image allows you to have your cake and eat it too! And if you occasionally turn down the cake for fear of lumps and dimples -- don't fret. It's natural for a woman to be self-critical sometimes, and it's not vain to want to look your best. So, as long as you keep these criticisms in perspective, you're in great shape!
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