
Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Don't you sometimes wish you knew what other people thought of you?
I do a lot. But I know that if I actually knew what people thought of me, it'd just kill me. I wouldn't be able to handle it; better to pretend like it's all good. =)
However, I try hard to be a people pleaser, so if I did know how I should act or what not to do with certain people, it'd make their lives better. But then, where is my uniqueness? My life does not exist solely to not annoy people.
I wish many times that my actions aren't taken in the wrong way. I really want to help people sometimes but I'm held back because I'm worried that it might look bad if I do. How am I supposed to do stuff that aren't the norm? Do most people view stuff that people don't usually do weird? Or like I have an ulterior motive? Really sad, I wish I had more freedom in doing things, or maybe.....I'm just a sucker for criticism...sigh...I shouldn't care that much about other people's opinions, but I do.
Another point that derives from this: where is the fine line between being overly caring and enthusiastic and looking like a stalker?


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