bound to happen sometime...
I was grading my students' quizzes til 2am on Friday night. I'm sure you all probably had a much more fun Friday night than I had. Anyhoo, I got to one guy's quiz and noticed that his answers were similar to the quiz version that he DIDN'T have. That's right I made two different versions of the quiz, and these students knew there were two different versions. So, the dilemma here is:
1) I could just ignore it and save me some trouble, since he got a very low grade on it anyways.
2) I could report him to the professor and see what I'd be required to do.
What did I do?
I reported him to the prof, dammit! How can you be so stupid as to copy off a quiz that wasn't even your version?!? Cheating ain't fair to the students who still got a low grade but didn't cheat off others. Also, I did think perhaps it was a coincidence that his answers were similar, but then dude, this is a stats class and I'm a stats phd student. You'd think I knew approximately what the chances are that this guy could magically guess the answers to the other version, highly unlikely...
So, prof hasn't emailed me back. I don't know what's gonna happen yet, but that guy ain't getting his quiz back tomorrow for sure. This sucks though, I wanted to trust all of my students... =(
Maybe he cheated his way in?
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